3rd generation internet streaming power platform in Electric technician and product
Logo means ;
A : All T:That P:Power . Net
Cubic (3 phase 3 wire) : Red : R phase Yellow : S phase Blue : T phase
Y ( 3 phase 4 wire ) : Black : R phase Red: S phase Blue : T phase White : Neutral Phase
What are the characteristics and advantages of smart cubic?
o Features
- GIS-based Internet platform site
- Produce company platform sites or personal profile sites without the help of programmers (operate at the level of blogging)
- Share real-time worldwide information as soon as the platform's bulletin is filled out (currently US, Europe, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand services are launched)
- Electrical engineers, electricity operators, and electrical manufacturers worldwide are joining
- Same effect as the global trade showroom with simultaneous service in both native and English
- Send and receive information on a per page
- Support for automatic generation of QR codes by page
- Support for fine-grained category entry and search
- Create personalized search apps and generate QR codes
o Advantages
- Electrical platform service can be provided to electricity industry-related people worldwide at low cost of deployment
- Real-time information sharing of new electricity-related technologies and new products worldwide
- Increase sales with global promotional effects of our technology and products
- Reduce the cost of managing individual company's homepage
- Platform optimized for smartphones
- Access with image-driven searches
- Create addresses for each homepage and share them through SNS
- English and Hangul support (for foreign language translation, individual translation and registration)
- VR, AR and homepage connection function
- Provide points when signing up and use products or services as points in the future
o Paid, free service available
- Free subscription for user level
- All that power.net Main Platform Top Exposures Pay-per-
- Profit generation and commission revenue through advertising exposure and e-commerce
1. If you want to join this Allthatpower..net, free or not free of charge and promote your company, product, or service, you can join www.allthatpower.net.
First of all, the primary subscribers are businesses and electricians working in the electricity industry.
2. If a company wants to operate this smart cubic platform, please contact us.
Contact Email: info@allthatpower.net or support@jsdata.co.kr
We're Introducing www.allthattower.net the platform.
The www.Allthatpower.net platform is for electricity companies and electricians around the world. Currently, the world's serviceable countries are the United States, Europe, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, and New Zealand, and will continue to expand worldwide.
This electrical business platform is a real-time information sharing service built on the 3rd generation internet platform based on GIS on google map.
It is not a text-oriented SNS service, it provides SNS marketing based on platform sites, images, and videos, and also provides search services. In other words, it is a platform that combines Twitter and Facebook of SNS functions.
It is a powerful Internet business tool that sends and retrieves company electrical technology information or electrical products or electrical diagnostic service platform sites on a site-by-site basis by country, group, and category.
In principle, users who subscribe to this platform are required to sign up free of charge, and if a company wants to build and operate the platform and share information with its employees and related customers, it will provide services for free. It will be free of charge until December 2021, and it will be charged from January 2022. In other words, if you want to do B to C, you will be provided free of charge to companies and paid consumers.
Using this platform, we will first start sharing information, business, and real-time sharing of product information by electricity-related operators.
, SUPER Host 2023-08-03 11:52:56 Comment